Category Archives: Special

Super Bowl Special

Dear Loyal Readers,

We regret not having written more often over the last number of months but we have exciting news about the Super Bowl.

We know that many of you will be watching the big game on Sunday February 5th, suffering through the blur of a football game in between those hilarious commercials. If you are going to a Super Bowl Party, whether you’re going for the commercials, the food, the friends or because there is very little else to do that night, you’re inevitably going to see some football. And as always, we are committed to helping you navigate the confusing game that is professional American football.

We, at How ‘Bout Them Sports, hope to provide a unique service for non-football fans attending Super Bowl parties. We will be tweeting conversation starters and essential information needed to follow the game and keep up with conversations about the big game. Follow us on twitter @sportsFAQ. Even if you don’t normally tweet, follow us for the most up-to-the-minutes updates so that you can (at least fake) keep with the Super Bowl!

Happy Watchings…

How ‘Bout Them Sports Staff

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Posted by on January 23, 2012 in Professional Football, Special


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