Category Archives: College Football

Sports Ticker – Penn State Sexual Assault Scandal

Joe Paterno Fired as Penn State Coach After Sexual Assault Scandal

Translation: Joe Paterno had been the head football coach at Penn State University for 45 seasons (a long time by any professional standards but unprecedentedly long in sports). Part of the reason that he has been the coach for so long is because his incredible success as a coach. He is the reason that Penn State has one of the most prestigious college football programs in the country. Unfortunately, he was fired yesterday by the University amid sexual assault allegations against one of his assistant coaches. Supposedly, one of the assistant coaches sexually assaulted (at least) 7 young boys in the lockerrooms at Penn State. Paterno was fired because he was informed of the allegations but did not report them to the police he merely told the Athletic Director who was also fired. Paterno is a legend in college football and probably would have been considered the greatest college football coach of all time, but it now seems as though his legacy is forever tarnished.

Conversation Starter: “I just can not believe that Joe Pa was fired.”

NBA Labor Negotiations Will Continue on Thursday

Translation: The NBA is the premiere professional basketball league in the country. The owners of the basketball teams and the basketball players are in a long standing dispute over fair distribution of revenue (in the billions). Because of this dispute, the owners have “locked-out” the players, meaning that the players can not use the team facilities. The basketball season was scheduled to begin last week but, due to the continued lock out, the first games of the season were canceled. The negotiations will continue on Thursday after some supposed progress was made yesterday evening.

Conversation Starter: “I can not believe that Joe Pa was fired.” (This is not a mistaken doubling. This story is  all anyone will be talking about).

This is a tough week in sports amid sexual assault allegations, labor disputes and (this is just coming in now) a baseball player was kidnapped in Venezuela. Just like everything else that we love, sports has its really low moments, and this week happens to be full of them.


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