Why How ‘Bout Them Sports?

How ‘Bout Them Sports helps in a lot of different facets of our lives. If you could use help in any of the following areas make sure to check in with us daily or subscribe to receive daily updates!

  • How ‘Bout Them Sports keeps your pseudo friendships with your co-workers/classmates, active. Relationships with our co-workers and classmates are a very interesting thing. Perhaps you would never be friends with these people outside of your day job, but you want to be able to engage in conversations about topics other than work in order to stay sane during the daily grind. News and current events are a safe and reliable source of non-intimate conversations between co-workers and sports is a big part of news and current events (for some more than others.)
  • How ‘Bout Them Sports impresses that new sports fan in your life. If your new fling is a big sports fan and needs more ways to connect to you. If your boss always seems to be talking to other co-workers about sports while your relationship remains strained. If you want to break the tension between you and your new lover’s father. Sports fans share a common language and an instant connection with one another. If you need to make nice with a sports fan, use this site and you are in like flynn.
  • How ‘Bout Them Sports is a real party favor. Sports fans have the ability to go to any party, without knowing anyone, and make brand new friends in an instant because of their sports knowledge. All you have to do is find out where a person is from, ask them if they are fans of their local sports teams (it helps to actually know the teams*)and you have an instant connection. That’s not to say that every person at parties are sports fans, after all there are enough people who are not fans to make this site relevant. But you will probably find that everyone can talk about their local sports teams, even they talk about how they are not fans. Strike up a conversation with a stranger at a party this weekend to give it a try!
  • How ‘Bout Them Sports makes you a more well rounded socialite. We read the newspaper to be better informed about the world around us. We do this to engage in conversations and build connections to people who we meet. Knowledge about pop culture and world news is possibly the strongest networking tool at our disposal. Sports is a massive piece of pop culture and world news and ignoring sports news leaves a massive gap in the potential connections that we have with people. You may think that you’ve done just fine without sports but think about how much better you will be at connecting to people with more conversation starters in your pocket. You don’t have to read the sports section of your paper anymore, simply use this site and expand your breadth of knowledge tremendously.

If you can think of other ways that knowing more about sports can improve your life, leave a comment!

*To learn the team names and city locations for the three most popular sports check out How to Pick a Baseball, Football and Basketball team.


One response to “Why How ‘Bout Them Sports?

  1. Tad Modero

    May 16, 2012 at 8:46 pm

    Thanks for good info 🙂


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